Softcode Systems explores the intersection of medical practice and education with digital technologies including mobile applications, 3D visualizations and machine learning.
Try our educational and decision support tools for health care professionals. Our apps are created by doctors for doctors, students and other providers. We build our tools with real world experience in mind and crowd source your input into making them more useful for you.
At Softcode Systems, we firmly believe in physician involvement in digital health. Founded by a practicing radiologist, we encourage physicians and other health care providers to become involved in the development in the tools which will revolutionize medicine. All of our health depend on it.
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Radiology Toolbox Pro is designed by a practicing radiologist to help radiologists, radiology technologists, other health practitioners and students.
These are the facts you keep looking up over and over. Now you can have them available anytime, anywhere. Always there on your iPad or iPhone.
Help us shape the future of digital health. Physician and other health care provider involvement is the key.